Tutorial math and reading software for elementary and secondary arithmetic, basic math, algebra, geometry, precalculus plus GED, ABE, and CLEP preparation for elementary school, high school, college, adult education, and homeschool students.
Prevent Summer Learning Loss!
Stay Sharp!
Refresh! Get Ahead!

Product Description
Prevent learning loss
Fill in unlearned or missed topics
Prepare for the next school year
Let's not let skills and knowledge gained during the school year evaporate!
It’s a long vacation and hitting the “pause” button can cause deterioration of the school year gains especially in math and reading. So why not work a few hours per week into those warm summer days? A few hours per week (30-60 minutes per day) – it adds up quickly and makes such a difference. That is not such an infringement on leisure time for students who need to recharge their batteries.
“Use it or lose it” is not a new saying and it applies to academics to avoid the summer brain drain. Students with learning differences will benefit greatly with reinforcing the school year learning.
Younger students need reinforcement of critical basic math and reading skills – older students need to start preparing for college entrance and placement exams.
This can be accomplished either in a school setting with qualified teachers and/or with self-paced software as provided here. Parents and students can utilize this software to fill gaps or get ahead for the next school year. Why not start the next school year ahead, instead of behind?
All that said – rest and relax is also very important especially for those students who find school stressful and are anxious about their education. Taking time to decompress and enjoy summer is not exclusive of a few hours per week to keep the brain from getting rusty.
* For the ambitious, take on an entire course listed on the left column of mathmedia.com.
* For those, requiring a specific topic to learn or review, pick and choose from the many topics located at mathmedia.com.
* For those with little time or little attention, use our “math treats” and “reading treats” which will appear in our newsletters printed from the MathMedia software programs.
Find more "treats"on Instagram.com/mathmediasoft. Throughout the summer we will bring you "treats" you can use. To request specific topics, email us (support@mathmedia.com).
 Regular price: $189.00 Limited Time Offer: $94.50 |  Regular price: $189.00 Limited Time Offer: $94.50 |
 Regular price: $189.00 Limited Time Offer: $94.50 |  Regular price: $399.00 Limited Time Offer: $199.50 |
 Regular price: $299.00 Limited Time Offer: $149.50 |  Regular price: $159.00 Limited Time Offer: $79.50 |
 Regular price: $299.00 Limited Time Offer: $149.50 |  Regular price: $349.00 Limited Time Offer: $174.50 |
 Regular price: $684.00 Limited Time Offer: $342.00 |  Regular price: $39.00 Limited Time Offer: $19.50 |
 Regular price: $39.00 Limited Time Offer: $19.50 |  Regular price: $1,588.00 Limited Time Offer: $794.00 |