Learn Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Pre-Algebra, Intro Geometry "These programs are saving my sanity. Wonderful programs. Our math education is at a much higher caliber now. I have more successful students than ever before." L.B.,New Albany, INCurriculum Description:
The MathMedia basic math course covers the Standards for fractions, decimals, percents, and an introduction to Algebra and Geometry. This is the math curriculum for Grade 4 through adult education courses. Use the MathMedia Basic Math software system to learn, re-learn, review, and prepare for proficiency exams and achievement tests. Basic math skills are introduced, practiced, and mastered in an easy-to-use, menu-driven system of instruction, practice, and assessments.
Basic Math Series Curriculum Syllabus
MathMedia Basic Math Pre-Test
The Basic Math Series includes 5 programs:
Each basic math skills program offers interactive math problems with solutions and explanations. Help is always a click away. Hint screens unfold step by step to allow the student to see the problem solving process.
In addition to mini-quizzes for each section, concluding comprehensive tests for all five (5) basic math software programs are included. These tests are scored and stored by the computer for evaluation of progress -- A valuable tool for the middle school math teacher as well as those facilitating the learning of adult math students. After taking the test, a personalized score sheet is printed along with an evaluation of topics requiring further study. The student can then return to the body of the program and practice more math problems in those sections which were weak areas. The use of the tests is flexible -- the student may take Test A as a pre-test and Test B as a post-test or Test A may be used for one student and Test B for another.
Learning Management System (LMS)
The LMS automatically tracks students' test scores and provides the teacher with a database (.csv file) to sort and print as needed. Student competencies and weaknesses are recorded for analysis and to direct the student to those sections of the program which require more practice.
These programs automatically bookmark the student's last viewed screen and will prompt the student to return to that screen upon their return.
- Easy to Use
- On Demand Audio
- Plenty of Practice Screens
- Quizzes for each learning section
- Pre-Tests, Post-Tests
- Score reporting to included database
- Bookmarking
Basic Math Series Tests
Print Product Descriptions
Useful for Grant Writers
Grade Level Flow Chart of the Standards
Who uses these programs?
The Basic Math Series is generally used for upper elementary students, middle school math students through adult students returning to their math education. It is appropriate across all age groups who need to learn these basic math skills. Even younger elementary math students in Grade 3 or Grade 4 will be able to learn from the early sections. Students will grow into the more advanced topics as their math skills mature.
Learning math for the adult math student can be challenging. This basic math software series has been used successfully by college support services, tutoring centers, and many other adult education situations for many years. The math in these programs is delivered in a serious, yet kind and gentle manner so that the adult math student can learn without the distraction of cartoons and flying objects. Math help is presented in a clear and concise manner and is available from each question. Learn math in a calm, self-paced manner with good instructional technology.
Arithmetic and Basic Reading Comprehension
Delivery Methods:
Media Type (Windows):
USB flash drive
Downloadable Link
Online Subscription
Availability Options:
- Purchase the complete set of 5 programs for $159.
- Purchase the complete set of 5 programs PLUS Word Problems for Basic Math for $189.
- Purchase each title separately for $49.
For school site licenses and multiple user options click here.