Tutorial math and reading software for elementary and secondary arithmetic, basic math, algebra, geometry, precalculus plus GED, ABE, and CLEP preparation for elementary school, high school, college, adult education, and homeschool students.
Program 2: Decimals

Product Description

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This is the 2nd program in the "Basic Math Series"
MENU #1 contains: Place Value, Writing Decimals, Reading from a Graph, Least to Greatest, Rounding and Estimating, Decimal to Fraction and Comparing to Fractions.
MENU #2 instructs on using decimals: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, Dividing, Powers of 10, and a concluding section on Word Problems.
TEST: The program concludes with a test which is scored and recorded by the computer. A printout of the student's answers and which sections require additional learning is provided. Improve students' math skills. Suitable for elementary school, high school, or developmental college students. This math help software provides tips and techniques for elementary math through high school students and offers one-on-one help for math students using a variety of methods.
This material is presented to classroom students over the course of years - some concepts beginning as early as elementary school and continuing through high school. Use this tutorial software to keep up with schoolwork, to learn at home, to remediate, to accelerate, as a course or as a reference.