Prepare for Success with Pre-Tests
Before diving into page 1 of the curriculum are the students ready for success?
Pre-Tests are critical for proper placement and for remediation versus advancement.
Proper placement is so important for a student’s success. If they have holes in their background, those holes need to be filled before worrying about “grade level placement” – place the students by achievement level (preferably without embarrassment), not by age.
A student’s academic history may be littered with extraneous happenings in their life – illnesses, multiple schools, stress at home. They cannot be held accountable for issues beyond their control. Yes, it requires more customized learning but let’s try to address their individual challenges.
A suggestion for a modern classroom is to divide the students between person-to-person learning and those who can manage on their own at grade level or beyond with the technology currently available either in the classroom or remotely.
These important readiness tests are AVAILABLE for immediate use - please send your request to These pre-tests are also included with the purchase of our Basic Math Series programs and both of our Algebra Series programs. They can be printed and given to students on “Day 1”. They are also available on computer with grading and academic analysis.

Our mission is to "Unlock the Mystery of Math" for anyone wishing to gain understanding of the incredible world of mathematics. Math is the only language all human beings share.
Why MathMedia Educational Software Works
As the use of educational technology grows and grows and computers in the classroom (and home) become more prevalent, the need for quality, comprehensive, and relevant software becomes increasingly important. Using MathMedia computer technology in the classroom, students receive the benefits of individualized instruction on the computers in the classroom, ample math practice, immediate feedback and coaching. "On-demand" help and positive reinforcement put students in control of their own learning and help to keep them on task. Technology in the classroom supports better student interaction too, because teachers who have computers in the classroom can spend more time with students who need additional intervention. MathMedia software not only aligns with the National Common Core math standards but goes beyond the standards to challenge all students to "Unlock the Mystery of Math".
MathMedia understands that to integrate educational technology into the classroom, limited school resources must be used efficiently and effectively... We will work with you to achieve those goals.
Since the internet was created as the "information highway", please scroll down to read informational educational articles.
"Since we live in an age of innovation, a practical education must prepare a man for work that does not yet exist and cannot yet be clearly defined."
Peter F. Drucker (1909 - 2005)
MathMedia academic software delivers K-College self-paced instructional tutorial math education software with straightforward interactive learning and easy-to-use assessment tools. The hallmark of the curriculum is the careful guidance of students, done in a friendly visual language, to complete understanding of all the "whys" of mathematics.
Math software online or CD for schools or home users...
This 50-program mathematics education computer software product line provides an organized-systematic-structured learning system for young learners and adults with: elementary arithmetic software, basic math software, pre algebra software, algebra software (algebra 1 and algebra 2), geometry software, trigonometry, advanced math, calculus basics, SAT prep, ACT prep, TABE / GED prep software, and CLEP prep software.
Browsing hint: This math computer programs website has many layers - be sure to "drill down" and see sample screens of everything we have to offer.
Are you teaching math to students who have gaps in their math education?
Do you have math students who need to practice for standardized tests?
Are you teaching math to gifted math students who are fast, bright, and want to accelerate?
Do you have math students who have been absent and missed math topics?
Are you teaching math to students who just don’t get it?
Do you teach students with learning disabilities?
Do you have an after school
Are you teaching math in a summer math learning program?
Do you have a learning center?
Would you love your school to have interactive mathematics education computer software programs that include math skills, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, cumulative reviews, and assessments for elementary math, basic math, algebra, geometry, and advanced math?
If you answered “yes” to
any of these questions,
then you need Math Media self-paced math instructional tutorial software programs!
Bring technology into the classroom to support teachers!
Integrate effective math technology-based curricula into the classroom!
Math help is here for your students!
Deliver "content rich" AUTHENTIC math
Teachers use this software to teach math "content".
Tests are used for accountability and/or as learning tools.
Use the math worksheets for homework or classwork.
Use a software learning system that is written by educators who are tuned in to both the student for whom math is nothing but "trials and tribulations" as well the student for whom math is "wonderous"... We love math, teaching, and sharing the mystery of mathematics.
MathMedia tutorial products are available online or via usb flash drive or downloadable for Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, and 10.
K12 Educational Software
Patience for the perplexed... fast as the brightest!
"We want you to succeed!"
The brilliance of these math software programs is the easy to understand HINT and HELP screens. Students have the opportunity to return and answer the question correctly at any point in the step-by-step journey as the solution unfolds.

©2004-2022 Illana Weintraub for MathMedia Educational Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.