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The benefits of grading less frequently

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The benefits of grading less frequently
These posts are for people who are highly preoccupied with educational issues.
Excessive grading stresses out kids and teachers, stifles innovative teaching, and fails to deliver as a true measurement of learning.
Fewer Grades Means Less Stress for Everyone
Time spent grading is often uncompensated, which is a large driver of teacher stress. Kids Under Pressure
Why teachers dislike grading papers.
Asking students to grade their own work or even each other can lead to meaningful improvements to learning. To balance student input with professional guidance educators may find it helpful to combine self- or peer-assessment with teacher assessment.
Practice tests help close the gap between what students know and what they think they know (low-stake practice tests can help decrease test anxiety.)
It’s helpful to give a practice test right after a lesson. Since students may not realize what Practice tests help close the gap between what students know and what they think they know questions they got wrong—or why—be sure to give feedback – let them grade their own work with answer keys. Give them the opportunity to analyze and understand their mistakes without high stakes pressure
Teaching More by Grading Less (or Differently) Does Grading Provide Feedback to Help Students Understand and Improve upon Their Deficiencies?
Grading Reduces Opportunities for Student Practice
Practice tests help close the gap between what students know and what they think they know (low-stake practice tests can help decrease test anxiety.)