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Become an entrepreneur!

Product Description
The “Shark Tank” TV show with the seated entrepreneurs who are mega-wealthy highly successful business people who judge whether there is value and opportunity in the companies of the struggling entrepreneurs coming before them looking for funding and professional partnerships with one or more of these highly successful entrepreneurs.
There’s a lot to be learned from this popular TV show. The “Sharks” give advice, make comments both positive and negative, and provide teaching moments to both the business owners in front of them as well as viewers who are interested in learning what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
Most of the entrepreneurs coming on stage are shooting for the moon hoping to grow into multi-million dollar businesses. But actually there are so many entrepreneurs who have established businesses on less than $100 and earned enough to support a family, own a home, a car or two, save for the future, and take vacations without incurring crushing debt to do so.
People who have been displaced from their job because of changing technology and companies down sizing might not be able to find a suitable job but with some entrepreneurial skills, a service or a product, and a proper mind-set could consider becoming an entrepreneur. As the “Sharks” will tell these budding business people, “KNOW YOUR NUMBERS!”. Numbers are key to running a successful venture.
The product or service being offered as a business has to fill a need, solve a problem, or be better than what already exists. Launching a business when economic times are tough can be challenging but comes with some benefits as well.
Anyway, this TV show is a good place to start and there are books and classes to teach accounting, management, marketing, and computer skills. And, the internet is loaded with material for leaning about entrepreneurship.
Opinions and Analysis by: Illana Herzig Weintraub
Publisher: MathMedia Educational Software, Inc.
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